Recently RAECO did a great blog post about sensor zeroing for the testo 350 portable emission analyzer...
Before we send any instrument to a customer, our technical team makes sure the unit is in good working order, runs a calibration, and checks all the parts.
Recently, one of our technicians experienced a small issue with a testo 350 combustion analyzer. He powered up the unit and it started going through its standard tests. Everything was going fine, and then he got the error code: O2 Sensor – Zeroing. He turned the device off and back on again (an IT-guy trick), but the error stayed. The sensor wasn’t old, so it should have worked fine.
So how did he solve the issue?
The ultimate solution is to replace the sensor. But first, knowing the sensor was still fairly new, he tried another trick that our IT guy refers to as “jiggle the cords”. By that, he means to unplug the parts and plug them back in again, to make sure all the connections are good. In this case, it meant re-seating the sensor to make sure it was connecting properly.
Want to read the rest of the post? Check out RAECO's blog by clicking here.
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